AFAB Publishing & Consulting - Putting the Internet to Work for You
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  • Common Questions and Answers About Doing Business on the Internet

    You likely have a number of questions about the Internet and your business, so we've provided answers to some of the most common questions:

    What is the Internet and how does it work?

    The Internet is a collection of computers around the world that are linked together through an international network. This network is relatively unstructured and is growing at a dizzying pace. The actual operation of it is complicated and more than you need to understand to become involved. You may think of your web site as a collection of files that is stored on a computer that is permanently connected to the Internet's network. This means that your web site is "open for business" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    What is a "web site"?
    An Internet web site is a collection of pages that are placed on the World Wide Web for viewing by anyone with Internet access. These pages are "hyperlinked" together to provide easy viewing and navigation. Each page may contain text, information, pictures, graphics, video, sound, and interactive programs. A web site may also be known as "web page," "home page," or "Internet site."

    Who uses the Internet?
    The Internet, and especially the World Wide Web, is used by a wide range of people with differing backgrounds and educational levels. Although the typical users have traditionally been young, educated males, the demographics have been evolving rapidly and there are a significant number of users from almost all demographic groups. There chances are great that there are enough of your potential customers online to make the Internet a valuable resource for your business.

    Isn't the Internet used mainly for finding dirty pictures and playing games?
    Absolutely not. The Internet is an information resource where the companies that provide the information are the ones who are gathering the customers. Many of the most successful companies in the world now maintain an Internet web site... just flip through any magazine or watch the television and you will see the large number of companies that promote their web site address.

    Are people really making money on the Internet?
    Yes, but only those who have put the time, money and planning into ensuring that they take full advantage of this medium. To get the results you desire from your company web site, we recommend that you also take the time now to plan and design a site that appeals to your potential customers.

    Isn't it dangerous for me to make my company information available to everyone on the Internet?
    No, you have total control over what is made available to others. Your web pages are stored on a separate computer that is permanently connected to the Internet. Therefore, the confidential files and information that you keep on your home or business computer are not available to the public. Only the information that you present within your web site can be seen by Internet users. Your web site can also be designed to screen prospective customers and dispense additional information to those that you choose.

    How much does it cost to establish a web site?
    The cost varies depending on what you wish to do with your web site. Prices may range from about $50 per year for a "business card listing" to hundreds of thousands of dollars for an elaborate site with videos, sound and online databases. As you may guess, the lower cost sites that only list your name, address and phone number are typically not very effective, whereas the high-end sites are probably far more elaborate than you will ever need. For a basic informational/promotional company web site, you should expect to pay between $1,000 and $10,000 for set-up and your first year of operation. Where else can you get international promotional coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for this price? For a detailed analysis, read our article Costs of Establishing A Web Site.

    What do I need to know to establish a web site?
    All you need to know is how your business operates and who your potential customers are. A web consultant such as AFAB can work directly with you to combine your knowledge of your business with our experience on the Internet to produce the most effective web site possible.

    How long will it take to create our web site?
    The time to develop a web site varies from project to project, however, your web designer should be able to create an average-sized site within 4-6 weeks from when they receive the information for the site from you.

    If you have further questions, please contact AFAB and we'll be happy to provide you with the answers you are looking for.

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