Challenges We've Faced
We want to make regular updates to our web site - do we have to learn HTML?
Several of our clients have faced the problem of regularly updating the information on their web sites. Many of these updates are made daily and the costs of having a professional web designer do them are too great.
At AFAB, we offer training in managing web sites, however, we understand that our clients' time is valuable so we knew that we'd have to make this process as easy as possible.
To solve this problem, we've developed online systems which allow our clients to make the updates right from their web browser - and without any knowledge of HTML or programming. The authorized personnel just drop text into a few boxes on an online form and the new information is instantly added.
Currently, our systems are being used to create and update news lists and announcements and to make changes to existing pages.
Now these sites present only the most current information and give their visitors the assurance that the web sites are well maintained and always up to date.
To learn more about how AFAB can assist you in keeping your web site updated, Contact Us and we'll discuss the possibilities with you.
Continue on to the Multi-User Web Site Updates challenges we've faced