CP Bike-A-Thon - www.cp100bikeathon.ca
The Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta runs the annual CP Bike-A-Thon as a major fundraiser.
The goal of this site is to promote the event throughout Alberta and its participating cities -- Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer.
To accomplish this, we've provided full details about each of the local events and set up an online registration system for participants. Each team and individual can create their own web page to explain why they're participating and to encourage their supporters to make a pledge online.
The site also offer information for the media and a sponsor section to encourage local businesses to show their support for this great cause.
The site is automated so that CPAA staff can make updates and additions through simple online forms so the information presented is always current and participants are kept up to date with the event planning.
CP Bike-A-Thon web site can be found at www.cp100bikeathon.ca.